This was the first advert we created. However we did not think that the bold writing suited the genre of the song, as it made it look a lot more rock-like. This is not the image we wanted to go for, and so we needed to soften it up a little. This will ensure that it appeals more to our target audience, as well as keeping a house style across all of our products.

This is the our latest design. We both really like this one as we feel is suite the genre much more. The writing is much softer, and as the video is quite slow we think this is much more appropriate. All we need to do now is add the picture! We are planning on taking a picture of Rich at night. He will be standing under a lamppost, so that he is highlighted with the light. The background will be completely dark. We then want just a picture of Annabel's face in the top right hand corner, as if she is looking over him. She will be transparent, so that it conveys the idea that she is not really there, he has lost her is and is on his own.
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